Frequently Asked Questions

What does Econa mean?

Econa is an acronym for the five universal personality traits: Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Openness, Neuroticism, and Agreeableness. These traits are genetically transmitted and environmentally formed in equal measure. Entrepreneur mental health differences, strengths and vulnerabilities are shaped by a unique personality trait pattern.

How does Econa improve my wellness and effectiveness?

We empower you to improve your life and business outcomes by building social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral fitness and agility. Our resources, programs, groups, and community are designed to enhance your wellness, resilience, and capacity while mitigating the mental health challenges you face as an entrepreneur.

What are entrepreneur mental health differences?

The distinct entrepreneur personality trait pattern is the foundation of individual differences that are associated with unique superpowers, propensities, risks, and vulnerabilities to mental health symptoms. Entrepreneur mental health differences make founders great and fragile, awesome and susceptible, highly engaged, and profoundly alone.

Why do entrepreneur mental health differences matter?

Entrepreneurship is a social, emotional, cognitive and behavioral practice. Social, emotional, cognitive and behavioral fitness and agility is what we call mental health. Unimpaired entrepreneurs create jobs and growth. Mental health symptoms derail founders, causing personal, firm-level and ecosystem damage. We postulate that well and effective entrepreneurs who flourish as people are less likely to derail and more likely to create the jobs and solutions our world needs today and tomorrow.

Does Econa have a diversity and inclusion program?

Diversity, neurodiversity and inclusion are in Econa’s DNA. We strive to build an on-ramp to wellness and effectiveness for all entrepreneurs. Neurodiversity refers to the unique brain and mental health differences that distinguish people with the propensity for entrepreneurship from others who lack this propensity. Entrepreneurs come from all walks of life, every part of the world, every gender, and all ethnic groups. Founders can be any age, align with any religious heritage, have any skin color, and reflect a spectrum of abilities. Yet due to shared neurodiversity, founders often have more in common with each other than with people who appear to be similar in other ways.

Does Econa collaborate with investors, founder communities, accelerators, and university-based entrepreneurship programs?

Yes. Creating the scalable wellness and mental health resources our ecosystem needs is a team effort. If you represent an investor, family office, foundation, angel fund, VC firm, PE firm, incubator, university program or another entity that would like to collaborate to create wellness and mental health resources for entrepreneurs, learn more here.

This page photo credits:  bruce mars on Unsplash.
beaulieumontrealFrequently Asked Questions